Report 1 : Details by Product This report presents a product-by-product, period-by-period breakdown of the sales posted for the current year as well as the two previous years. Figures on the three most recent periods may be broken down by week. It also indicates warehouse and outlet inventories of the product, and a record of orders. Each product is listed on a separate page. Please note that Inventory and order history Information is available exclusively to the supplier of products and to their representation agencies. Report 2 : Sales Summary This report shows sales for the selected period and the thirteen (13) preceding periods for each product included in the subscription. The three (3) most recent periods can be broken down by week. Each product is listed on a separate line, and a grand total for all products is included. Report 3: Sales by Product - 50 Best Outlets This report shows the ranking of outlets by sales for each product during a specific period. The top 50 outlets are listed. There is one line per outlet, and each product is listed on a separate page. Report 4 : Evolution of Sales by Category This report shows the ranking, by product category, for total sales in the current year for all products sold at SAQ outlets. The percentage of change in sales between the current period and the previous period is shown for each product, as well as between the current period and the previous period last year. There is a line for each product, and a total for all products in each category. Each category is listed on a separate page. The first page contains a summary of the categories. Downloading raw data files This subscription option covers all raw data files that a company needs in order to create its own reports. This subscription is only available as a single block, and requires computer processing. It is intended for companies that have the technological resources required to process the data, which remains the property of the SAQ at all times, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the subscription agreement. Details concerning the format of the data can be obtained by sending a message that specifies the information that you require to
SAQ-B2B Customer Support 1111 St-Charles Ouest, Suite 352 East Tour, Longueuil, Québec CANADA J4K 5G4 Phone :(450) 449-0102 poste 8927 Toll free : (877) 677-9088 International : +800-2559-4630 Fax : (450) 449-8725